Okay. This is just to test start this weblog that I just created.
The name is Kush. Work with an Advertising firm based in Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.
I used to blog on xanga but lost interest and got discouraged when the site 'washed' away all i had uploaded and blogged over a couple of years.
Boy, was I furious! I had a load of serious information on there that was useful for me to always refer to. I guess my mistake was that I trusted too much in the website I never thought I'd need a back-up.
I've really missed blogging and now I've decided to get back to it. So if you're visiting my page for the first time, it wont be bad for you to say hi.
I've always been a writer right from the primary school days and its always been with me 'cause its where my gifting lies.
I'm a crazy writer. I usually go against norms 'cause i always believe in a maxim I quote a lot..that normal is boring.
Well...I gotta stop here cuz I know the attention span to read is very brief.
I'll be back to start blogging.
Hiiiiiiiiii Lolu! :) I used to follow you on Xanga (Lady in Red). You might not remember me as I didn't post much, but its nice to see you again in the blogosphere. You're bookmarked now. Welcome again.