
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blog Review for Today - ARCHIWIZ

I have a younger brother who is an architect and one thing I've noticed about him and many other architects is the fact that their profession (just like mine) has to do with a lot of creativity, and there's the tendency for that creativity to spark off on other areas of their lives. That probably explains why Archiwiz's blog is the way it looks (She's an architect, actually).

Archiwiz's blog is something different to your eyes. Apart from the fact that she made her entries brief, simple and precise, (which according to certain principles makes reading a blog interesting) she makes her entry in a way not too common on blogospshere...she writes her blog rather than type them!

For those who probably can't guess how that's done, its with the Lenovo tablet PC which enables her to write on the screen rather than type it.

But then anybody could decide to pick one up and start tablet-blogging so that's not the only reason why I find her blog interesting. Actually it's because she does these interesting cute little illustrations in her entries and she mixes ink colors in such a way that your eyes get a lot of eye-candy instead of a monotonous bland font type. Another plus is the fact that she's got a legible handwriting which is a refreshing departure from the stiff fonts you get from the computer.

Archiwiz'z blog is reader friendly and not busy like some other blogs. Simplicity is the most friendly status that could make a blog pleasant to read and this blog achieves that.

Archiwiz employs a lot of creativity when making most of her entries, especially the ones with photo's attached to them. She literarily 'designs' the entry (a spark from the profession?) and it turns out to be beautiful. And she's got an advantage because of this habit - she can make a boring post a delightful read! Someone is definitely thinking out of the box as per blogging.

I like archiwiz's blog. Its like a refreshing 'something' for my eyes.

Rating for Archiwiz:

I'm Digging it!


  1. FIRST!!
    I only came across her blog yesterday and i must admit.. i love it.

    so unique!!!

  2. i love her blog... u be dis....long time o

  3. We are back to blogreview. Thank God. Hmm I don dey dig it b4 u review it self. She is so fly

  4. i heart her blog to bits! unique is the word for the chick and tech-savvy too.

  5. an ode to archiwiz ay???

    now aint that just fabulous???

  6. I just came across her blog not long ago, and Im so glad I did. I think one of the things I like the most is her unique blog look and her s8 to the point posts. You picked a good one to review!
    PS: Thank you so much for reviewing A Black James Bond. I went to his blog after your review and his blog is one of my favorites now!

  7. @Sha...Shey? And I came across yours just yesterday too. Nice blog. me in da flesh.

    @Standtall...I like that word 'fly'. Very appropriate.

    @esmeralda...boy, are u gonna make her head swell. Where is she sef? She shud hear this!

    @Kopearl...yeah. And so is ur unique name lol

    @DramaQ...thanks for that insight. I never knew i helped that much. Now I'm encouraged to do more reviews.

  8. Men it was something like that o. Guys went out and couldnt believe what they were seeing. But on the real, I'm feeling your blog. There's real substance on here. Some artistic stuff that might be going over my head but what the hey. But the name is crazy. The Kush Chronicles. Better copyright that before I steal am. But big ups to u

  9. yeah her blog is so unique n so's urs *winks*

    thanks for stopping by, i expect more visits tho'

  10. Hi thanks for stopping by...nice blog, very creative.

    Keep in touch!

  11. Archwiz's blog is always one to read.

    10ks 4 marking register on my blog, I have emailed you a reply.

  12. 1st tym hir, gues i gotta go c archiwiz's

  13. Ewoo! See me on the news. Thanks Afronuts...And thank you guys for the wonderful comments and for liking my blog...

    Standtall...thanks for the heads up...(Na standtall tell me say my blog don get review) :)

  14. hello!

    my first time here, and this is a really good blog!

    thanks for ur comment on mine, and i just love doing reviews!
    did u see the movie ones?

    anyways, will be back
    thanks for swinging by and come back again

  15. toatlly feelin her blog as well!

    nice of u to do this review!

  16. @Doll…we all do don’t we?

    @Jack Slater…Bros. Anything wey dey ur head pour am for ur pages. There’s always sense in nonsense

    @LG…Watch out. I’ll soon be doing urs.

    @Kin’shar…Will definitely do that!

    @Oluwadee…Ok. Will check my mail. Thanks.

    @Rayo…hope u know ur way there?

    @archiwiz...Ur head must be swelling, lol but on the real, you’ve got a sweet blog. Keep doing what u do.

    @Speechgirl…Thanks! U do movie reviews? That’s cool! So do I! will be posting some soon but not sure whether it shud be on this blog. Will holla back.

    @buttercup...and Im feeling ur random commenting girl! Keep doing it!

    @Iyalode…ur name cracks me up becuz it’s a name I use to tease my wife and female friends.

    @Oz omodudu…chai! This ur name sef! And I just talked about iyalode! lol

  17. i totally agree. i was just telling her dat dat pc-tablet thing no fit work 4 me o. not only will nobody make out wot i wrote, but all d typo (or maybe hando in dis case) go just drive dem all insane)

  18. @ Bottom line is that u have a crappy handwriting no?


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