
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

If your Blog was rated like a Movie...

I happened to be surfing the web when I came across a site that gave ratings to blogs like we have it in the movies. Out of curiousty I posted my blog's url and got a rating. I tried other blogs, especially those with 'risque' content and found the ratings questionable. Apparently the site rates through the use of words and not through the use of pictures. Here are some sites that I tested on the site. Sorry if yours isn't featured. I could only do a few.

Kinsharr's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Black James bond's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

The Parakeet's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Aloofar's Blog

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Afrobabe's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Vera's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

RisqueDiva's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

NigerianDramaQueen's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Buttercup & Charizard's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Standtall's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Ibiluv's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Oluwadee's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Princesa's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Emeka Amakeze's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Rayo's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Tina's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Poeticallytinted's Blog
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

And here is the rating for my own blog!!
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

I guess the rating may not be accurate because when you visit blogs like Afrobabe's there are a lot of X-rated pictures there but the rating allows general audience (LOL!) but RisqueDiva's site did not get away with it because there was enuff dirty talk featured on her blog.

And I still don't understand why mine got this restricted rating! Honestly, is my blog really a bit offensive in anyway?
Gimme your views abeg.

You can check out the site'and rate your blog here


  1. 1stttttttttttttttttt

    lollll @ afro's blog rating'
    i 'm still tryin to figure urs out too'

  2. Me sef I find these ratings very questionable. I can deal with my ratings, but as you pointed out, how did Afrobabe get away with being rated G???? Oh, please!! They've got to be kidding me! And you're rated R?? Yeah, okay. LOL. Nice one, though. All it says it that I should not trust these ratings.

    Vera (google is not letting me sign in)


    LG is right. Afrobabe's rating is not correct...LOLLLL...(funny ratings!)

  4. You know, this is an excellent idea. Lots of blogs seem student-friendly. But as I examine them more carefully, I realize that they are not always appropriate for kids. With your idea, this might be a little easier to see at first glance. Great idea from a great artist and thinker!

  5. Afro's rating is a bloddy mistake.......

    Mine is APT!!!!!!!!!!

    yours...deserves the rating.........*wink*

    this is soo cooollllllll

  6. Won ti gbe Ojo fun Aina. Afrobabe deserves your rating while your shd have being for general audience

  7. @LG, Jaycee…LOL! I feel you oh!

    @Vera…Exactly. That’s why I doubted if they were really accurate

    @Ibiluv…lol. I can imagine the disbelief on your face!

    @Retinna Bell…It actually is a good idea. If only the ratings were accurate. Unless we want to rate our blogs ourselves.

    @doll…please do!

    @Standtall…wise young one. Can u interprete your proverb? And I agree with u. It shud have been the other way round!

  8. Yeah, I agree. I think the software only feeds through sites for certain kind of words. I'm not sure though about pictures since it gets it all too wrong with some blogs. I'm not mentioning 'em.

    But it's really cool. I remember one other site that rates the Literacy Level required to read a blog. The result was pretty accurate.

    Afronuts: Restricted? That's really wrong. Well, maybe if one checks all your previous posts ;)

  9. Wise your one? Anyways, the proverb simply means it shd have being the other way round!

  10. Afrobabe gets nothing but XXXXXX!!!! View at your own risk! lol!

  11. this rating is very fake the same i will rate mine and see wat it

  12. Hehehe I guess it must have picked on some of the content of "The chronicles X - Taken 3" and thought Whoa!

  13. mmmmmmmm
    mine says
    no under 17 can read
    and i thought mine was tame

  14. I checked mine and it said PG-13 because I've mentioned Hell and sex on various occasions. In my bush English - I DOESN'T CARE! As long as you guys are ok with it, I'm cool. How are you anyway?

  15. LMAO! I get a PG and Afrobabe gets a G?! Yeah definately questionable!

  16. @aloofar…a site that rates literacy level? And you said the results were accurate? Can’t u gimme a link to that place abeg?

    @Standtall….oh! Thanks a bunch!


    @aloted…lol. I know the feeling. You’re pissed yet u want a piece of the action!

    @Ekoakete…haba! Was the story that explicit?

    @Miss Definitely Maybe…well, I think ur site is a bit restricted but not this much sha.

    @Tina…Abeg preash it, lol. I’m fine jare. Nice to hear from you!

    @NaijaDramaQ…hahahaha! Abi? Very questionable!!

  17. ha, afro rated gen audience, goes to show the inaccuracy in technology. me, 17, maybe, i dont know but yours well, i think it should be 13 or thereabout.

  18. @Rayo...U feel I should be rated 13. And what would be ur reason?

  19. LMAO! Quite interesting....i think the PG13 for chari's n mine was kinda accurate lol..

    Urs def doesnt deserve an R rating!

    How r u anywayz?

  20. LMAO! Quite interesting....i think the PG13 for chari's n mine was kinda accurate lol..

    Urs def doesnt deserve an R rating!

    How r u anywayz?

  21. Buttercup I said it oh! By the way, where in the world is chari? He doesnt seem to blog again. Its like u've taken over completely.

    And I'm fine and dandy!

  22. Good that u r fine. Chari is back o, i was gettin tired of steering the ship....not really sha! LOL

  23. Mine's PG13!! And i have to say its so wrong on Afrobabe's one!!thats an adult's only

  24. Interestingly, the site gave my blog an NC-17 rating because according to it, I used the word “ass” 10 times. What it fails to take into consideration could be the fact that maybe I just happened to use the word that number of times because I was writing a children’s story about a donkey!
    Honestly I think their word-rating system sucks.
    Screw them! There, I hope that increases my rating…

  25. @Buttercup...well its about time we heard from him.

    @Shonavixen...once again another conviction from shonnybaby!

    @Naughty eyes...LOL!@ ass-donkey. Are you serious?

  26. @ Afronuts: Nah! I really meant ass...I was just saying "maybe". I've just done my own techno-rant too on MN. Check it out.

  27. I was so so oblivious......I was looking like dang, he didnt even list me. THEN I WAS LIKE LOOK I WAS LISTED firrrrrrsssttttt, how in the hell did I miss myyy name. Oh, I am so so proud. IM SCREAMING.....UM, wait Im rated PG. Aww shucks, then I have to start carding folks. Bring your ID next time you visit my blog!!


  28. Heyyyyyy...this just came up on a google search of my was all ur fault!!!!

    You jinxed my its got a great big content warning sign on it...


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