
Monday, August 17, 2009

Can you judge a future by it's present?

Today, each time I come across a little kid, I just shiver, trying to imagine whether he or she is going to turn out into a positive outcome of their generation. Sometimes its hard to believe that innocent and cute looking kids could turn into societal wrecks or examples of what you're thankful your life isn't.

It's just amazing how each person turns out at the end. I guess this brings to light the truth in the quote that goes: 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. In this case, would it be right to say 'don't judge a kid's future by it's present'?
Let the pictures below speak. Who would have believed these girls are what they are today?


  1. As stereotypical as it might be, it's only natural to judge the future by its present. The present is a clear indication of the future, but then again, maturity and divine intervention could most likely occur..

  2. yep, the future can only determined by the present so we are right to judge it, who wld av xpected cute Britney to be a public

  3. Damn, judging the future by the present. Yup, it's alright, but that doesn't neccessary mean the outcome wld be 100% accurate, gats to factor in interaction with community and the works...

  4. lol you are right. they all look so cuteeee.

  5. Brilliant post..i will rather judge a person intuitively based on my convictions than judge with what i see in the present...

  6. i don't think the future can be judged 100% by the present cos if that was the case, then I'd have been a failure but hey...I'm so not one...things change.

  7. The future is so dynamic. It keeps changing in response to changes in the present.

    We really can't judge the future entirely by the present.

    Interesting pictures.

  8. yes o

    my future is so bright that i need sunglasses to see it.

  9. @Buttercup…hmm…Good point!

    @TaioFierce…lol, I soo much wonder too!

    @Chayoma…now that’s a very salient point u made there about interaction with community


    @Trybes…true dat! Well said.

    @Jhazmyn…hmm…that’s true. Good thinking – things change and change is inevitable.

    @Enkay…wow, that’s very metaphysical-its like each decision u make has set a future in place, then when u change it, the future is changed. Cool.

    @Tisha…LMAO!! You had to come out as a comic relief!

  10. i totally agree wit Enkay,the future is not may be a large determinant of tomorrow only as far as our actions and its consequences apply. also Acts of God or chance or fate plays a role.not to mention our decisions, lifestyle, pedigree etc..
    i, like you, always wonderwhat these kids will turn to 2moro, wat the word will b like etc..

    they're all so cute!!


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