
Friday, February 1, 2013

Two Awards for Timi

Congrats to my little Angel who got two awards in her class at school for Good behavior and for Science. Apparently the seeds of parenting are paying off. Like I did the last time, I let her know how proud I am of her for winning these cute honors. Its important we compliment our kids when they do good things. Never underestimate these young 'uns. They understand what it really is about. 

Not only do I compliment Timi and congratulate or applaud her, I also do a small photo session for her and then do a post entry for her on my blog. One day when she's older, she'll be reading this page to appreciate how much she's loved. So let's go ahead and honor our kids (if you have any or when you do), its a seed worth sowing into their lives.

This is far better than turning my kid into some baby strumpet on charades like Toddlers and Tiaras.

Congrats again baby girl!


  1. Awwww, so happy for both of you and mummy too for doing a wonderful job! Congratulations Timi! More feathers to your cap my dear.
    Hope when you read this in future, you know I am aslo proud of you and daddy and mummy are more proud {er} of you :D
    GOD bless you, and I pray for HIS favour to continue to shine on you like the morning sun and HE will open your understanding and give you a clarity of vision. And just as HE did for Daniel, Shadrach, Menasch and Abedenago, HE will do the same for you my dear Timi: HE will make you 10x more intelligent than your peers. In Jesus name Amin!

  2. Congrats to ur cutie. Isn't this d same baby u guys were worried she didn't walk on time? Wow....she's a big girl now.

    Good job for being a good dad.

  3. CONGRATS Timi, I'm also proud of u :D, I just love her smile

  4. A big congratulations to dear Timi! It's so good to appreciate children when they excel, sure, it's a boost for more of hard work and good manners from them.
    I'm happy with you!

  5. Yes, I agree. It is important to compliment children when they do good things.

    Timi's really cute. Congrats to her. I can tell how really proud you are of her...:)

  6. @Simply Mee...Thanks SM. We thank God be a responsible parent is not small work but fun.

    @Madame Sting...Wow! You really have an sharp memory. Yes, that's the same baby alright! you make me want to introduce you live to her, Aunty jhazmyn.


    @Debby....Thank you ma! Timi appreciates it.

    @Ay...Thanks Ay. I really am and I try my best.

  7. @simply mee just took the prayers out of my mouth. If only you can see how I am grinning at my desk now like say na my child win all dem awards ehn.....I am so proud of her..infact, I am one proud "friend of the father blogger"...lemme stop before i start yarning rubbish.

    Bear hugs and butterfly kisses to Timi

  8. What a proud Daddy you are. May Timi always bring you joys not tears, Amen.

    Loving this her megawatt smile :)

  9. @Sykik...aww...Timi don get another Aunty for smile...nice description. I'm stealing it.

  10. Gosh! she's just so cute! and that smile!


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