A Year Since The Dana Air Crash...

Today marks a year after the tragedy of the Dana Air crash in the suburbs of Iju-Agege, Lagos on the fateful Sunday morning of June 3rd 2012.

That tragedy led me to do a post entry in the memory of all those that were on board. When I started this post, I didn't know it was going to turn into something big. I went about the internet, checking on the manifest of the passengers and searching out their photos. I uploaded so many of them such that it triggered a followership and before I knew it, family members of the victims began sending me never before seen photos of their loved ones to upload on the memorial post. The post had the highest number views in the history of this blog.

Also I partook in an anthology collection that was put together by Naija Stories in memory of the crash victims. Its a beautiful collection of stories, poetry and articles that tug at our hearts and remind us of the importance of valuing life and loved ones.Even the cover of the anthology came from the photo collage (as seen above) which I did for my own entry in the anthology.

The anthology is available and free for download in PDF format.

And so we remember the souls of the dearly departed and for their loved ones, the strength to live through the memory of this tragedy. They have left voids that can never be filled but by God's love and comfort.

May their souls continue to rest in peace.

1 Screamer(s):

sykik said...

It feels just like yesterday......I pray that God will heal our hearts and give us the grace to move on.

My prayers are with everyone who lost a spouse, friend, relation and acquaintance in the ill fated flight.