Flashback Fridays: Wande Coal the Back-Up Dancer

Wow....this life is something. One of the most important lessons we should always take to heart concerning life is that we should never take any human being for granted because life can play a funny game that will end up where you least expect it to end.

Wande Coal...third from left.
Years back who would have thought Wamde Coal would end up the big star he is today? I came across this old music video of OGD All Stars, directed by Tade Ogidan. Here we get to see the likes of Teju Babyface in his hey days, Ramsey Noah looking a tad bit younger, rapper Abounce who just faded away from the music scene and appeared occasionally in TV production and one dreadlocked dude who I can't place. Wande Cola unlike all those mentioned was not involved in singing. Rather he was a back-up dancer!

Teju Babyface forming artiste

Abounce...looking like the future of his career
The dreadlocked guy with Abounce...who is he?
While watching the video, I noticed that there was more focus on two of the four-man back-up dancers. These two guys were apparently the finest of the crew and had good body physique. In comparison, Wande Coal was flabby while the other fourth guy (the fairest in complexion) was on the skinny side . We see the 'fine boys' appearing more frequently than Wande and his skinny counterpart.

This is where we see who has 'chest' and who doesn't.

The fine boys
What an irony. The same Wande Coal who was insignificant is now a star that belts out tunes that shakes audiences. They felt he needn't appear too much in the video...if only they knew the guy had a voice. 

Here's the video:

I think the music was a soundtrack for a movie titled 'Madam Dearest' which was an expensively shot movie and a hit back then. I can't say if it made much money but it was popular.

6 Screamer(s):

hahahahahahhaha.. u are a classic joka..
I enjoyed reading the post.
Where did u dig the video out from?
Wow, wande was so skinny back then. kia.

You are right about life, nobody knows tomorrow.

HoneyDame said...

LMAO!!!! OMG!!! where on earth did you dig that from?! annd how did you even notice Wande?! hahahahahaha! this is epic!

Toinlicious said...

Wow!!!! Just wow

ay said...

Wow...what a surprise!
Where do you always find all these things from Mr Kush..lol

Afronuts said...

lol...How I found the video? I searched online and came across a discovery of it nah...

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