The Sex You Thought You Knew 3
Chronicled by
Monday, June 30, 2008
I probably would have gone on to say more but I think I better conclude it here since the subject is becoming unbearable for some folks. But no matter what we think, the truth will always be there. And it can be damn bitter

I don't think porn stars always lived happy lives. They were plagued by guilt demons and besides the sex pre-occupated profession (which is a wrong thing that society has embraced) isn't a honorable thing to be proud of. Linda Lovelace, a former porn star who dropped the profession and campaigned against it was a typical example.
Picture this:
A Dude or girl who always has sex with someone they’re not married to. After each act, they get this guilt trip and smoke a cigarette – which is an act well known to take place after it’s done. Whenever it bugs them, a ciggy calms 'em down. (Cancer)

From time to time, self-worth depreciates with each sex they have and they take alcohol and drugs to keep ‘body and soul’ together. (Drug overdose)
If the drugs don’t kill them, probably the alcohol will – in a car crash; driving under the influence. (Automobile accident)
If an accident doesn’t do the job, depression will. Depression as a result of self condemnation which comes from loosing self worth. The urge to end it all gets strong and very attractive. (Suicide)
It may not happen in any of these ways but whatever the case may be, there’s always a price to pay when you abuse what nature or better still God, has given us. Every machine comes with a manual and once you don’t get it right you’re bound to destroy it.
Some lies you'll hear about sex and Porn:
If you agree with me check out this link. If you don't just leave it alone and keep living life the way you want it. -->
Lies & Truths About Sex
There's also the spiritual aspect of Sex that has to do with sex spirits (i discovered this out of experience and research as well as through scripture) but I wont go into that. Unless by popular request. Its quite scary and revealing.
** Remember...What you don't know can harm you
Like I said earlier, you might arm yourself against STDs but nothing can save you from this one unless…
Okay, let the crucifiction begin...
I probably would have gone on to say more but I think I better conclude it here since the subject is becoming unbearable for some folks. But no matter what we think, the truth will always be there. And it can be damn bitter

I don't think porn stars always lived happy lives. They were plagued by guilt demons and besides the sex pre-occupated profession (which is a wrong thing that society has embraced) isn't a honorable thing to be proud of. Linda Lovelace, a former porn star who dropped the profession and campaigned against it was a typical example.
Picture this:
A Dude or girl who always has sex with someone they’re not married to. After each act, they get this guilt trip and smoke a cigarette – which is an act well known to take place after it’s done. Whenever it bugs them, a ciggy calms 'em down. (Cancer)

From time to time, self-worth depreciates with each sex they have and they take alcohol and drugs to keep ‘body and soul’ together. (Drug overdose)
If the drugs don’t kill them, probably the alcohol will – in a car crash; driving under the influence. (Automobile accident)
If an accident doesn’t do the job, depression will. Depression as a result of self condemnation which comes from loosing self worth. The urge to end it all gets strong and very attractive. (Suicide)
It may not happen in any of these ways but whatever the case may be, there’s always a price to pay when you abuse what nature or better still God, has given us. Every machine comes with a manual and once you don’t get it right you’re bound to destroy it.
Some lies you'll hear about sex and Porn:
- Sexual freedom = happiness
- Perverted sex (homosexual sex, incest, BDSM, etc) is more enjoyable than "normal" heterosexual sex
- There are no consequences to sexual promiscuity
- Sexual expression is a right, not a God-given or God-defined gift
- You can live a healthy life with the porn images floating around in your mind
- Porn doesn't harm anyone
- Sex is something to be done primarily for self gratification
- The porn stars are the happiest people on earth
- Adults can view porn without any lasting side effects
- Porn will help your sex life
- Porn is just a harmless thing that everybody looks at
If you agree with me check out this link. If you don't just leave it alone and keep living life the way you want it. -->
Lies & Truths About Sex
There's also the spiritual aspect of Sex that has to do with sex spirits (i discovered this out of experience and research as well as through scripture) but I wont go into that. Unless by popular request. Its quite scary and revealing.
** Remember...What you don't know can harm you
Like I said earlier, you might arm yourself against STDs but nothing can save you from this one unless…
Okay, let the crucifiction begin...
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