The Scary Future...

The future is scary...

I say this because of what I see happening everyday, most especially in the western world. I used to think at one time that the United States of America was God's own country. I failed to question who their 'god' was.

Now I know better. 

From all that I see happening, I know better.

A nation that encourages schools to teach gay way of life in schools? Now I know better.

A nation that has destroyed the family unit God ordained by allowing same sex marriages? Now I know better.

A nation that legalizes abortion? Now I know better.

A nation that took 'God' out of schools? Now I know better!

God knows I will never ever allow my kids school in the USA. The future over there is undoubtedly frightening...

14 Screamer(s):

Harry said...

The future there is so SCARY! God help us all...

Parakeet said...

The future everywhere is frightening perhaps more so in the West.

Jennifer A. said...

Afronuts, you're very right about the prospects of the United seems to be a very scary future. And someone told me something two days ago that I've been thinking about, no president before Obama dared to allow all the things he's allowing right now. Could it be that they knew it would destroy America?

God promised never to wipe out the human race again in the time of the flood, but there are usually consequences from one's actions. America is peddling fast towards self-destruction.

Enkay said...

I have long questioned America's motto: "In God We Trust". no longer sure what they mean by that!

Myne said...

I think on this too and wonder where our future leads.

Afronuts said...

@Harry…True dat oh!

@Parakeet…True. And you’re right cuz when u weight the odds, its horrible in the west.

@Jaycee…You took the thot right out of my head Jaycee. I was going to write something that said all that but I shortened it.

@Enkay…I think their god is a different God.

@Myne…I wonder and pray for the best too

The Activist said...
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The Activist said...
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The Activist said...

I DONT think we should concentrate in making the West the culprit in this issue. the only difference is the fact that they recongise these issues as human rights issue hence the legalisation. Even though we don't have abortion, homosexuality, prostitution legalised in many African countries does not mean these things are not going on...

What do we tell a 12 yr old raped and put in a family way to do? What do we tell daughter's that her father put in family way to do or even sister and brother? Just to set us thinking...

Afronuts said...

@Standtall...I'm not denying that these things don't go on in African countries. They do and are usually on the downlow. But note this: when they become legalized, then it becomes a far greater problem because its going to create a chain reaction of horrible happenings. How can you teach homosexuality in schools?
And don't forget that African countries frown at a lot of these things.

12 year olds being raped and put in family way is one bad thing. A 12 year old being sodomised and abused by a same sex adult might bring about worse consequences.

The Activist said...

I got your point but I am still trying to understand this horrible happenings, in legalising abortion my rationale is that it will help minimize self- dangerous terminations. I am not sure anyone will go back and forth to have abortion. I had to abort my pregnancy due to medical complication and I tell you it was like recovering from an illness not to talk of emotional pains so many women faced afterwords. Even though abortion is legalised in developed world but it has not reduced the number of children they are having.

I don't know the rationale about teaching homosexuality in school and I am still trying to investigate if this is true. I know of sexuality educations in school which I am in support of 100%.

We do look at issues differently in these huge societies of ours and that is why secular law or human rights comes in and this at times might be conflicting with religious beliefs but I think is better we have that as a guiding principles of our daily lives as we know what can happen in the name of religious at times.

Even some well known religion leaders [male] still sleep with boys- you know

Anonymous said...

I think it's kind of funny that you won't let your children in the US when personally I think Africa is worse...

Afronuts said...

@Standtall...I understand your point dear and its true. In the case of saving the life of a person, the abortion makes sense. But when it comes to terminating a pregnancy simply because you don't want the baby, then theres a problem.
As for the homosexuality being encouraged in schools, i might post a video for you to see. Also theres a cartoon about cross-dressing for kids that aired sometime ago.

@Suru...lmao! Okay your comment hit me in a funny way. Sure I said I'd never put them in the US but that doesnt mean they can't school in other countries! I only exempted the USA.

Anonymous said...

Why do you only exempt USA? I'm pretty sure the rest of the West is just as good, or just as bad... USA is just louder about it