That's just some out of the many pics taken.
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That's just some out of the many pics taken.
For more information on Orange Academy and the whole works, check out the site -->
Black Bond’s site got me hooked with the rich placement of colors and the powerful header visual which consisted of traditional African rendition of what a black James Bond would look like. The rich use and blend of black and bluish green spoke of a mastery that got me suspecting that black 007 is a real artist. A colleague of mine saw the site and was like, ‘Did this dude finish from Yabatech?’ (Most of the best artists in Lagos were products of Yabatech).
The artistry was evident in Black 007’s use of majorly just 3 colors alone and sticking to that scheme all through. The advantage of such a layout is that you your eyes get a pleasant view and are not confused with too many colors here and there. And I must add, it’s a neat blog, very tidy in every sense of the word, no scatterings to make you loose concentration.
And the content? Black James Bond can write! The dude is actually a cool storyteller. His entries on the series ‘Richard’s Battles’ tells it all. With fluid narration that keeps you toeing the line with him you take in every detail of the story he tells. The strong aspect of his storytelling is that it describes complex situations in a simple manner. You don’t get bored at all.
Babatunde a.k.a Black James Bond made it to my list because his site is unique- yeah, that’s the word.
Rating for Black James Bond
I’m loving it!
>That black folks who play loud music and show off their blings are suffering from low self esteem
>That falling in love is just having a stupid crush. To Love is an act not an accident. You can choose to love or not.
>That condoms won’t protect you much longer. Sperm cells are mutating.
>That America has the nastiest case of obese people.
>If you wanna get in trouble at work open ............’s blog on full screen. (fill in the blanks)
>Decent people are extinct
>There’s hardly anything for kids to listen to anynmore. Too much adult trash on the airwaves.
>Too many idle folks in the western world.
>When you’re female and in your mid-20s, you are either confused, playing around or getting serious with life. Unfortunately the serious ones are very few.
>A copycat is just a lazy coward.
>Nollywood is a copycat
>It’s easier to commit suicide when you’re a white man than when you’re an African.
Neyo: Give me a hug. Today’s my birthday.
Essy: Today’s your birthday? So you’re a fool?
Neyo: Eh?
Essy: Today is april fools day now. E mean say you be fool.
Okay, I couldn't help but laugh but Neyo looked stupid when she told him that. I knew he just wanted to 'committ touchery' due to the unpalatable tetosterone rush that hit him after seeing the good looking Essy.
Racqwel nearly lost her mind I told her we had lost one of our prestigious clients to a rival agency.
She had worked her butt, lost a lot of sleep and apettite over the account and to hear of it being poached by another client was a serious nightmare happen in the daytime.
11 Screamer(s):
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