Chronicled by
Monday, May 14, 2012
They are intimidating.
They make women look like elegant vixens.
They add sex appeal and sometimes amusing gait to the
woman’s walk.
They call them high heels.
I call them ‘Weapons of Feet Destruction’.
Now I’d like to make a distinction between moderately
balanced or wedge heels and the monstrous ones that seem to be in vogue. The
moderately balanced heels and wedge heels happen to be in the sane category;
they are sometimes not too high and are always comfortable and safer for women
to wear. They don’t put women through the calculated torture of taking
extra-conscious steps. The high heels
and sometimes stiletto heels on the other hand, are the insane category that
have made women switch to the ‘sufferin’ and smilin’ mode by force. I’m not
even sure if I can say it’s a new trend because high heels have always been
there. It just seems that shoe designers have decided to torture women further
by making the heels taller and shoes curvier.

People will call it fashion but I call it gross inhumanity
to womanhood. It’s amazing how no one seems to actually realize that these
extra high ‘monsters’ do more harm than good to you. All over the internet, you
get to see pictures or videos of women falling due to ‘waka miscalculation’ on
those nasty twosomes; that apart from
the nasty aftereffects of wearing too much of it .
The price people pay to look good!
A lot of the ladies in my office are fond of wearing these
monstrous heels and they do a good job of showing off in them. In fact we
created a name for these chicks who love to wear these abominations (sorry if
that term hurt, but truth is bitter!), we call them the ‘Office Kardashians’ –
I’m not a fan of any Kardashian reality show but I’ve had a glimpse at some
episodes and by this term I can understand what on earth it means.
These shoes are basically hazardous to its wearers but I
guess since it’s not hazardous to their self esteem, and people prefer to
ignore the former. Just last month, a lady in my office tripped on the stairs
as she miscalculated her stepping in one of these abominations. She fell and
sprained her ankle. For the next few weeks she had to be wearing flat heels and balm due
to the pain. Thank goodness it healed before her upcoming wedding day; she
would have limped to the altar.
Another lady fell just outside our office and ended up
carrying a bandage on her right leg for weeks.
Then a few days ago another lady miscalculated and fell on
the stairs again. She had to be taken to the hospital because she sustained
injuries; one of her fingernails was uprooted and she had bad scrapes on her
fine spotless legs.
Our office stairs
(where the ladies fell)
Our office floors
Another stairscase at our office
('Office Kardashians' descend this stairs everyday)
Looking at our office’s marble floors, tiles and stairs(pictured above),
you’ll know they are not ‘extreme high heels friendly'. So every high heeled damsel tread at their own risk. Meanwhile the moderate heeled ones move more easily.
Then just a few days back on my way to the Bank, I passed by a
private school where parents or drivers where arriving to pick their kids and
there was this lady in obscene high heels trying to keep her balance on the
rugged ground as she made her way through the school gates. People, especially
mothers were watching her and laughing at her dilemma. I think her self esteem must have
instantly plummeted.
One of the viewers of this video made a comment that raises
a good question:
‘If i ever become a fashion designer I’m going to make shoes
that women can actually f**g walk in......’
Are these shoes made for walking at all? I know some ladies
will say the shoes should only be worn at an occasion but not worn to walk
around all day. The fact still remains that the designers of these shoes are
definitely heartless; the manner in which their artsy and supposedly ‘trendy’
shoes have messed up the womenfolk is alarming.
All fall down yakata!
Click on this link to see more damage causedby these orthopedic abominations.
Wifey had a couple of
these monsters but she hardly wore them. Eventually she gave them out wondering
how on earth other women survived in them. She stuck to her moderate or wedge
heels which still brings out her sweet appeal and that's fine by me!
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