Chronicled by
Friday, February 28, 2014
Just 10.00pm on the dot last night, yours truly became a Dad for the third time with the arrival of a big bouncing baby boy. Unlike his elder siblings, Timi and A.Y who weighed 2.8kg and 3.5 kg respectively, this little dude weighed 4.5kg at birth. No wonder...that pregnancy belle was huge!
I was poised to snap the photo as he came out of his mother's womb but then I thought of it that some of you might be having lunch or dinner when you viewed this post so I decided not to...make una no begin puke at the raw sight of delivery.
But I did manage to snap him immediately he was brought out.
My baby boy...just fresh out of his mother's womb. |
After being cleaned, oiled and put in a diaper. |
Finally after he took his bath this morning. |
Welcome little man! |
This is probably one of the reasons why I have been erratic on the blog these past few days; yes, that's my excuse...I hope it is accepted.
I thank God for this unspeakable gift!
And to the Almighty God I say 'Thank you Lord for this unspeakable girft
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