Video of the day

To come back or not?

 I think its about time I come back to blogging....But the question it worth it?Hmm......

The Carrot and The Itchy Situation

I’ve been off this blog for waaaay too long! But I’m back again thanks to people who keep attacking me for not blogging anymore and to that writer’s itch that needed to be scratched. I’ve always been a writer and no matter how much I delve into other things, my first passion will never...

The Accident that Wasted Precious Fuel At Anthony Oke [Photos]

I was wrapping up some late night work at my office at about after 10pm when I got the news that a Diesel tanker had had an accident very near the office. I had the opportunity of doing a report that night – talking to the firefighters and rescue workers that had arrived on...

The Spectranet Deception

It was around 8.30pm and I just couldn’t to get my surf on. I had just bought recharge cards for my Spectranet modem and was eager to get back online and surf the web. As a person that needed to be online a lot of the time, I had always done my browsing either...

Naija DJs and the Struggle to Stay Relevant

It was yesterday afternoon and I was in the studio at my office discussing with one of our contract sound engineers when Bunmi, one of our Account Management ladies walked in to sort out a couple of issues with the production unit. Now Bunmi wasn’t just a corporate employee but also a part time...

Convicted Felon sings Adele-inspired “sorry” to Seek Judge's Favour

I came across this amusing bit of odd news in which an American convicted felon attempted to serenade the judge of the court hearing his case by rendering his own version of Adele's 'Hello'. Below is the excerpt of the report from Sky News: A Michigan felon tried to sing his way out of...

The Pretty Female Bosses in the Nigerian Police

So I was going through a trailer for a Nollywood TV drama series titled 2four7and just as I was expectant of anything to catch my fancy, something finally did. It was the female police boss in the movie. Pretty police boss from the TV drama series 2Four7 Now, I digress to explain – I...

The Pregnant Corper & JSS Student Gossip: A Blogger's Costly Lie

It was just about after 3pm at work and my office colleagues were using their free-time to surf the web for information or updates pertaining to the industry or entertainment when a female colleague (who’s equally a Youth Corp member doing her Youth service in our company) gasped at her computer screen and called...

That Dirty Nigerian Vagina Song By Princess Vitarah

I used to say it all the time that the internet or rather social media is where you can easily amp up yourself to become popular provided you do something very different from the usual bandwagon of activity you see every day. The only problem with something different is that it goes both the...

Hollywood's Whitewashing & Blackballing

I recently saw this funny commentary done on the Last Week Tonight Show with John Oliver. Smart way of questioning controversies in a comical manner, if you ask me. A white dude playing a blackman - Uugh! If you never saw it watch the video below, its very expository and eye-opening! Wow...I guess there's...

The Rise of the Dollar and the Price of Akara

They said the value of the naira is falling. I ignored it and refused to worry myself over it. I’m usually good at that – ignoring issues that would give other people sleepless nights and high blood pressure - after all, life must go on...unless you have a death wish. God knows I don’t!...

Seven Types of Women to Beware Of in Ministry

I came across this interesting article by Pastor Joe McKeever. I think anybody who is just starting  or is already in a ministry should read it. For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and smoother than oil is her speech.” (Proverbs 4:3) Before there was a folk singer by that name, James Taylor was...

Olajumoke's Public Speaking: Exploitation in View?

Just as Ayo Shonaiya (if he really said it) said in the last post, it has begun! Oljumoke Orisaguna has not lactated, but they have started milking her already! Why? Apparently, people are begining to milk this poor fortunate girl for their own gains because I don't understand how you are going to get...

On Ayo Shonaiya's Concerns on Olajumoke Orisaguna's Breakthrough...

I came across this article that featured on which was said to have been written by Nigerian Film maker and promoter Ayo Shonaiya on his Facebook page. Though I was unable to find anything like that on Facebook as it was claimed to have been culled from, the piece was however interesting and insightful. The...

I'm Back....

Distractions...distractions...distractions. They keep coming like a horde of attacking apes reminiscent of classic scenes from the unforgetable Planet of the Apes franchise. Distractions...distractions...distractions. They rear their ugly head and take me on some lost trip making me forget what made me tick, what oiled my gears of creativity and how productive it had been....